Reveal all talents with mobile gaming
Kirae is a training tool that lead people from awareness to confidence building, for an easier development of soft skills, in schools, within companies or while looking for a job.

Cognitive sciences and mobile gaming

The perfect cocktail to boost soft skills
We use gaming to set the skills in motion, and cognitive sciences allow us to propose a unique scoring system so that everyone can have an objective perspective on their soft skills.
Reveal all talents
Raise awareness
While 70% of employees do not know what soft skills are, thanks to Kirae, engage in a conversation about soft skills while keeping the fun going.

Capitalize on talents
We only talk about skills we are aware of. Kirae allow everybody to reveal their soft skills, no matter the personal or professional journey that led them to strenghten them.
Foster critical skills
Offer a training tool that relies less on writing and more on action. Lever gaming into developing soft skills and show the central place these skills hold in your organization.

Soft skills at Kirae



